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Vermisst Ihr einen Song? Dann mailt einen Link oder Titel/Interpret an - Stichwort: 4WD-Song
I’m a country boy, I’ve got a 4-wheel drive
Climb in my bed, I’ll take you for a ride
Up city streets, down country roads
I can get you where you need to go
’cause I’m a country boy
Big 35’s whinin’ on the asphalt
Grabbin’ mud, and slingin’ up some red dirt
... There's a place I know about where the dirt road runs out
And we can try out the four-wheel drive
Come on now what do you say Girl,
I can hardly wait to get a little mud on the tires ...
Yea, I'm in love with a girl in a 4 wheel drive.
Crome steel bumpers and red step side
Lyrics ;-)
...Down the hills and up the dale
Had a cj-5 with a four-wheel drive
And smokey on my tail...
Bisher gibts kein Video im Netz.... aber einen klasse Song :-)